Bevallen en kraamverzorgende nodig? Bel: 0513 - 727 042

You want to register with Isis Kraamzorg. Wonderful! We hope you feel right at home with us. We will support you as best we can and make sure there’s a maternity nurse close by before, during and after labour. Register now.


Unable to register? Please contact our Customer Service team on 0513-727 042 or email:

Register for our maternity care
foto Contact and information
A warm welcome

Contact and information

What will happen after I’ve registered?

Once you’ve sent your details, you will receive a confirmation email straight away. We will usually contact your health insurer ourselves and make all the arrangements for you, so you don’t need to do anything. We have contracts with all health insurers, so you don’t need to worry about the costs.

Contact us

If you didn’t receive the confirmation email and it’s not in your spam folder, please contact us on 0513-727 042 or just to be sure. You can also contact us at any time if you have other questions or want more information about something.

When do I need to request maternity care?

We recommend registering for maternity care around the 12th week of your pregnancy. Sooner than that is fine as well.

What can I expect from Isis Kraamzorg?

Isis Kraamzorg will prepare you for your postnatal period and parenthood and will provide support and care during labour. During the postnatal period, we will ensure you and your family get a warm, relaxed start. We will factor in your preferences, wishes and needs and select the ideal maternity nurse for you. During your pregnancy, we will give you information during the intake and offer you a monthly email containing lots of information about pregnancy and maternity. Our Customer Service team is also on hand to support you, of course.

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