Home visits and telephone appointments
If this is your first child, the intake session will happen at home and will take about 45 minutes. If this isn’t your first child, we will schedule a telephone intake that will take about 20 minutes. A home visit is also an option if it’s not your first child: on medical grounds or at your or your midwife’s request. However, this will be at your own expense.
We are committed to making this new start as hassle-free as possible for every family and child. That starts with an intake session. The aims of the session is to prepare you for the postnatal period. We will discuss the pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. We will also look at which kind of maternity care and maternity nurse suit you best. After all, the maternity nurse will be in your home during a very special time of your life.
What will we discuss during the intake session?
It’s a good idea to write down any questions you may have so you don’t forget them when it comes to the session. There will, of course, be plenty of time for you and your partner to ask questions. We will discuss lots of different things during the intake. Below is a summary of the most important matters we will discuss:
- how many maternity care hours and which things you are insured for:
- The role of a maternity nurse and your and your partner’s preferences on this
- Your partner’s role and preferences
- The maternity nurse, midwife and Youth Health Care (JGZ) and their individual roles
- Occupational health and safety guidelines for maternity nurses, including the cot, commode and maternity bed, which need to be at a specific height (80cm)
- Safe electrical equipment, stairs, banisters and utilities
- Whether you would prefer a home birth or an outpatient birth, and the role of the maternity nurse during labour
- When to call maternity care once you’ve given birth
- What to pack in your hospital bag, which you need to have ready for when you go to hospital
- If it is not your first child, how your previous pregnancies, labours and postpartum periods went
- If you have had maternity care before, which aspects you were happy and less happy with
- The maternity kit and Baby Checklist(also in English!)
- Whether you plan to breastfeed or bottle feed
After the intake
Within one week after your intake session, you will receive an email containing the agreements that have been made. Approximately four weeks before your due date, our Customer Service department will send you an email specifying all of the occupational health and safety requirements, so you can check these yourself.
We’re here for you!
You can register over the telephone from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm. Simply call 0513-727042. You can also register online.
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